A receiver architecture conforming to the OFDM based digital video broadcasting standard for terrestrial transmission (DVB-T)

We present the architecture for a four chip integrated receiver decoder compliant with the European Digital Terrestrial Video Transmission standard (DVB-T); both 8 K and 2 K FFT size are supported. The paper focuses on the algorithms used for I/Q signal generation, OFDM demultiplexing, channel estimation, synchronization and channel decoding. The algorithms chosen are robust against the channel and interference conditions to be expected, including Rayleigh fading, co-channel interference from other (e.g. existing analogue) services and tuner imperfections. The channel SNR degradation arising in the digital part of the receiver-with imperfect channel estimation, synchronization and quantization-with respect to the BER at the output of the Viterbi decoder is not more than 2 dB from theory.