Image Processing of Composite Video with FPGA Programmable Logic

Abstract: Described project presents a hardware solution of Image Processing Unit based on a Spartan-6 FPGA programmable logic. The unit consists of a digitizing videoconverter module (Kasik, 2011), NEXYS 3 board with FPGA (Digilent, 2013) and a color TFT touch screen display (Digilent, 2011). As the video source for the videoconverter serves a composite video output from the Canon MV530i camcorder (Canon-europe, 2002). The output of the video converter is in parallel ITU-BT.656 data format. The video processing unit implements several functions which include conversion to RGB colors, Grayscale, Black and White, Sepia and Edge Detector. The complete FPGA logic is designed in VHDL and many modules are in the form of parameterized IP cores. The resulting video is demonstrated on the TFT display, which also serves for controlling the implemented functions. The project was created for educational purposes as demonstration of video signal processing on FPGA.