The hyperfine interactions of fluorine ions in the vicinity of Cr3+ and Cr+ in KMgF3. I. 19F and 53Cr ENDOR measurements

ENDOR measurements on the nuclei of the first, second and third nearest sets of fluorine ions to Cr3+ and Cr+ in KMgF3 are reported. The main results concern the second nearest, whose hyperfine tensors are found in both cases to show significant departures from the values expected on a purely dipolar basis. The axial third nearest fluorines for Cr+ also show small departures from the predicted dipolar interaction, but those for Cr3+ do not. For Cr3+ a term in the spin Hamiltonian cubic in the electronic spin and linear in the first nearest fluorine nuclear spin was detected. 53Cr ENDOR was observed for Cr3+, and the hyperfine constant determined to be (17.887+or-0.005)*10-4 cm-1.