The Effects of Multiple Social Categories on Stereotyping

AbstractThis study examined some of the cognitive processes underlying stereotyping,as well as the effects of multiple social categories in impression formation.Phase 1 of the study assessed stereotypes (if males, females, 20 year olds, 70year olds, French Canadians and English Canadians in a sample of 60 under-graduates. The results demonstrated that stereotype judgements were relativelyautomatic in that they were made more quickly than non-stereotype judge-ments. Phase 2 of the study examined the impressions formed of "individuals"who were simultaneously identified in terms of gender, age and ethnicity.These individuals tended to be perceived in terms of their gender and age;moreover, this effect was more pronounced on stereotype traits thannon-stereotype traits. Phase 3 examined subjects' memory for the individuals,and it was found that memory was better for age and gender than forethnicity, and that speed for making such judgements followed the samepattern. While the results support the view that individuals are perceived interms of stereotypes, they suggest that certain salient categories will be moreinfluential in a particular context.ResumeCette etude se penche sur certains processus cognitifs qui sous-tendent lesstereotypes ainsi que sur les effets de categories sociales multiples dans laformation des impressions. Dans une premiere etape, l'etude a evalue lesstereotypes chez des sujets masculins et feminins, ages de 20 et de 70 ans,Canadicns et Canadiennes francophones et anglophones dans un echantillonde 60 etudiants de premier cycle. Les resultats reVelent que les jugements parstereotypes sont relativement automatiques en ce sens qu'ils se forment plusrapidement que les jugements non fondes sur les stereotypes. Dans uneseconde etape, on a etudie les impressions formees sur des «individus»identifies simultanement en fonction de leur sexe, de leur age et de leurappartenance ethnique. Ces individus etaient surtout percus en fonction deleur sexe et de leur age; de plus, cet effet 6tait davantage prononce pour lestraits psychologiques stereotypes que pour les traits non stereotypes. Unetroisieme etape a consiste a examiner le souvenir que conservaient les sujetsdes individus. On a constate que le souvenir etait plus marque pour lesCanadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 1995, 27:4, 466-483

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