Removing Feasibility Conditions on Adaptive Neural Tracking Control of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems With Time-Varying Powers, Input, and Full-State Constraints

This article investigates the tracking control for input and full-state-constrained nonlinear time-delay systems with unknown time-varying powers, whose nonlinearities do not impose any growth assumption. By utilizing the auxiliary control signal and nonlinear state-dependent transformation (NSDT) to counteract the effect of input saturation and cope with full-state constraints, respectively, and then introducing lower and higher powers and Lyapunov-Krasovskii (L-K) functionals in control design together with the adaptive neural-networks (NNs) method, an adaptive neural tracking control design is provided without feasibility conditions. It is proved that NNs approximation is valid, all the closed-loop signals are semiglobally bounded, and input and full-state constraints are not violated.