This paper presents the ongoing research related to the development of IoT platforms for the detection of damage in steel railway bridges. The development encompasses several fields from sensors, to damage detection, to data transmission, and to the infrastructure management system. The paper introduces the concept of regular availability of up-to-date data sets through an Internet-of-Things (IoT) approach that integrates information in cloud-based BIM platforms. Initial case studies have been developed in routinely performed load tests. Furthermore, laboratory experiences aimed at calibrating numerical methods under a controlled environment are being developed. Subsequently, complete systems encompassing different parts will be implemented in the form of real-case studies. The steps that have been performed so far include i) measurement of key characterizing data from these structures using different platforms ii) data transmission using different ranges and platforms iii) damage detection using advanced FE-models and iv) understanding the data management platforms and the corresponding interoperability. The ongoing research project includes experiences in a joint effort between academia and industrial partners. The assessed structures include (but are not limited to) either new or existing steel railway bridges.