Application of Predictive Filter in Satellite Attitude Determination

Satellite attitude determination method using attitude dynamics and vector observations is discussed.Predictive filtering based on minimum model error is introduced to realize real time identification of unknown perturbations and conquer influence of model error.The selection of model error weight matrix(MEWM) of predictive filter depends on experience,so lower design criterion of MEWM is presented in the paper,then high frequency noise will be introduced in the estimation of model error.According to the fact that satellite attitude maneuver is lower than high frequency noise,the noise is filtrated using FIR digital filter and MEWM is liberalized.Simulation results indicate that the effect of predictive filter using the design criterion is comparative to estimation by optimized MEWM and estimation precision is insensible to the parameters of MEWM;at the same time,this method conquers the oscillation at initial time while using optimized MEWM.