Discourse and Social Life

Activity types, discourse types and interactional hybridity - the case of genetic counselling, Srikant Sarangi the uses of talk, Ruqaiya Hasan same grammar or different grammar? contrasting approaches to the grammar of spoken English discourse, Geoffrey Leech the construction of purpose in discourse, Theo van Leeuwen contrastive rhetoric and discourse analysis - who writes what to whom? when? in what circumstances? Robert B. Kaplan professional gatekeeping in intercultural encounters, Celia Roberts becoming a group - face and sociability in moderated discussions, Greg Myers methodological interdiscursivity - an ethnographic understanding of unfinalisability, Ron Scollon critical practices - on representation and the interpretation of text, H.G. Widdowson dialogue in the public sphere, Norman Fairclough recontextualization and the transformation of meanings - a critical discourse analysis of decision making in EU meetings about employment policies, Ruth Wodak regional frames and pronominal address/reference - the discourse of geriatric medical triads, Nikolas Coupland and Justine Coupland new dynamics in the nurse-patient relationship? Sally Candlin the case of the long-nosed potoroo - the framing and construction of expert witness testimony, Yon Maley whose text is it? - on the linguistic investigation of authorship, Malcolm Coulthard.