Research on Relationship Between Vegetation Coverage and Height/Slope in Chongqing

In order to clarify and quantify the relationship between vegetation coverage and topography in Chongqing, MODIS-250 m 16 days NDVI from 2010 s to 2013 s was used to synthesize monthly and seasonal NDVI enlarged 100 times. Then the NDVI was divided into 6 height districts and 5 slope districts. The relationship between NDVI and height/slope was analyzed and the equations of NDVI and height/slope were established. The results showed as following: (1) Different month and season have obvious effect on the relationship between NDVI and height/slope. The value of NDVI in months 6-9 and summer continued to increase with the increase of altitude. While NDVI increased firstly then decreased with the increase of height in months 10-12 and 1-5, seasons of spring, autumn and winter. The turning height of the NDVI value decreased in cold month/season and increased in warm month/season. The trend was relatively obvious and simple with increase of slope that was the NDVI monotonically increased with slope increasing. (2) The increasing trend of NDVI with height/slope increasing gradually decreases. (3) There was good binomial relationship between NDVI and height and most of these passed correlation coefficient test (P<0.001). There was binomial and exponential relationship between NDVI and slope and most of the equations passed correlation coefficient test (P<0.001).