Complete Loss of ICD Programmability After Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The purpose of this case report is to describe the effects of an MRI performed on a patient without realizing that an ICD has been previously implanted. After a few seconds of imaging the adversity was recognized and the examination was stopped immediately. The patient was not pacemaker dependent and had neither physical complaints nor electrocardiographic changes in the surface ECG. A consecutively performed ICD assessment showed a backup mode with standard parameters for pacing (VVI 50 beats/min) and arrhythmia detection and treatment. The device could not be programmed by the external programmer. With the exception of printing out the parameters, all software functions were no longer feasible. A device examination by the manufacturer after ICD replacement showed that a major portion of the device memory was corrupt. Even ICDs of a newer generation are susceptible to magnetic interference, with the danger of complete loss of programmability. (PACE 2004; 27:1002–1004)