Friedman and Quade tests: BASIC computer program to perform nonparametric two-way analysis of variance and multiple comparisons on ranks of several related samples.

Friedman and Quade tests are nonparametric two-way analyses of variance which may be used to compare several related samples. The Friedman test is a multisample extension of the sign test while the Quade test is an extension of the Wilcoxon signed-rank for paired samples to the case of several related samples. The Quade test may be more powerful for a small number of treatments while the Friedman test may be more powerful when the number of treatments is five or more. The present program is written in an elementary subset of BASIC and will perform the Friedman and Quade tests quickly on practically every computer programmable in BASIC. It may i.e. be used to analyze biomedical data where the response of experimental subjects to a stimulus is monitored at time intervals.