A socially-based distributed self-organizing algorithm for holonic multi-agent systems: Case study in a task environment

Holonic multi-agent systems (HMASs) have recently attracted many researches in multi-agent systems community. Inspired from the multi-level and self-similar structures of social and biological system, holonic multi-agent systems have been widely used to model and solve complex real-world problems. The main concern in deploying HMASs is the problem of building the hierarchical holonic structure, called holarchy, and dynamically managing it during its lifetime. The way an HMAS is organized has a great impact on its applicability and performance. This paper proposes a self-organizing algorithm to build and manage the holoic structures in multi-agent systems. This algorithm is based on the local information of the agents about other agents they can communicate with. Using common social concepts, like skills, diversity, social exchange theory, and norms in definition of the algorithm, the outcomes of this research can be used in wide ranges of distributed applications. The proposed model is extensively tested in a task allocation problem; and its performance based on various design parameters is studied. Empirical results show that the proposed model properly increases the performance of the system in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

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