[Experience with nearly 20,000 blind liver punctures].

UNLABELLED Report about the experience in almost 20000 cases of percutaneous liver biopsy. The puncture was done by Menghini needle. COMPLICATIONS No case of death, 11 bleedings, 1 biliary peritonitis, 1 exudative pleurisy, 1 valvular pneumothorax, 2 hematothoraxes. In 5 cases laparotomy was necessary. The frequency of non lethal complications was 0,08%, of complications with following laparotomy 0,25%. All punctions were done with a needle caliber of 1,8 mm. Our experience shows that the risk of bleeding is not correlated with the caliber of the punction needle. In comparison with other statistics the postpunctional morbidity is distinctly better; fortunately we had no mortality.