The weather report for the supply chain: a longitudinal analysis of the ISM/Forrester Research Reports on Technology in Supply Management, 2001‐2003
This article presents an analysis of three years results from the quarterly Report on Technology in Supply Management, conducted through a joint effort of the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) (formerly the National Association of Purchasing Managers) and Forrester Research. This report provides the best snapshot on the growth of e‐procurement in the United States. However, the sponsors do not publicly provide any analysis on the trends the data show from quarter‐to‐quarter. Now, with three years of available data from the twelve quarterly surveys conducted to date, there is an opportunity to analyze the adoption rates of e‐procurement tools, techniques and protocols in the American marketplace. The author of this study has conducted just such a longitudinal analysis of the ISM/Forrester data, examining the trends for organizations across the U.S. marketplace. What is demonstrated is that overall, both in manufacturing and service‐oriented firms and in large and small purchasing organizations, e‐procurement methods are rising and reaching “critical mass” in most areas with the “e‐way” fast becoming “the way”. However, important differences due exist between the groups and their specific needs, motivations, and results in their shift to an electronic acquisition environment. These are highlighted and discussed in this article.