The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly due to the wireless network that provides connectivity to devices at anytime and anywhere. Currently, the wireless sensor network is involved in many research fields like smart health monitoring, smart cities, and smart industries. From all of these, flood monitoring is the most important field in the IoT wireless network to alert about the occurrence of any abnormalities. To monitor the environment wireless sensor network needs a decision-making protocol that sense and route the information timely. The present work includes numerous use of Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) with IPv6 protocol defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) due to its different test conditions, analysing static and dynamic routing and its impact on different performance metrics such as latency and packet losses for their application in monitoring system of the flash floods in any region. In this study, we are using IPv6 6LoWPAN to develop a wireless warning system before a flood event in “The Brigade” in Barranquilla city. The basic purpose for making system is to secure the city from costly damage and life loss. Different types of traffic and different 1-/2-hops scenarios have been considered. In order to implement our system, we use the well-known TelosB platform jointly with TinyOS, BLIP 2.0 and LPL. The experiment result shows that time on 512 ms and 1024 ms with a packet of 120 B obtain good performance on the metrics used for the tests.