Broadband plasma waves observed in the polar cap boundary layer: Polar

Polar observations indicate the presence of intense broadband plasma waves nearly all of the time (96% occurrence frequency in this study) near the apogee of the Polar trajectory (∼6–8 RE). The region of wave activity bounds the dayside (0500 to 1800 LT) polar cap magnetic fields, and we thus call these waves polar cap boundary layer (PCBL) waves. The waves are spiky signals spanning a broad frequency range from ∼101 to 2 × 104 Hz. The waves have a rough power law spectral shape. The wave magnetic component has on average a ƒ−2.7 frequency dependence and appears to have an upper frequency cutoff of ∼(6–7) × 103 Hz, which is the electron cyclotron frequency. The electric component has on average a ƒ−2.2 frequency dependence and extends up to ∼2 × 104 Hz. The frequency dependences of the waves and the amplitude ratios of B′/E′ indicate a possible mixture of obliquely propagating electromagnetic whistler mode waves plus electrostatic waves. There are no clear intensity peaks in either the magnetic or electric spectra which can identify the plasma instability responsible for the generation of the PCBL waves. The wave character (spiky nature, frequency dependence and admixture of electromagnetic and electrostatic components) and intensity are quite similar to those of the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) waves detected at and inside the low-latitude dayside magnetopause. Because of the location of the PCBL waves just inside the polar cap magnetic field lines, it is natural to assume that these waves are occurring on the same magnetic field lines as the LLBL waves, but at lower altitudes. Because of the similar wave intensities at both locations and the occurrence at all local times, we rule out an ionospheric source. We also find a magnetosheath origin improbable. The most likely scenario is that the waves are locally generated by field-aligned currents or current gradients. We find a strong relationship between the presence of ionospheric and magnetosheath ions and the waves near the noon sector. These waves may thus be responsible for ion heating observed near the cusp region. Antisunward convection of these freshly accelerated oxygen ions over the polar cap during intense wave events (occurring during southward Bz events) might lead to enhanced plasma sheet O+ population. For magnetic storm intervals this mechanism would lead to a natural delay between the main phase onset and the appearance of oxygen ions in the ring-current.

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