Seniors Exergaming 2.0: The Role of Social and Motivational Aspects on Games for Elderly's Physical Training through Web 2.0 Techniques
An increase in the life expectancy causes an ageing population and according to the UN reports the rate of population ageing in the 21st century will exceed that of the previous century. The resources for care will be even more limited in the future than they are now. There is thus an aim for the society that seniors can manage by themselves as long as possible, while at the same time keeping a high quality of life. Inactivity is the most common reason for loss of functional capabilities among seniors, but physical activity can effectively delay this process, and is one of the most important factors in promoting wellbeing among seniors. However, adherence to exercise programs is a major obstacle. It requires large human resources to have long term effects. In this light exergames are promising.
There are several commercial exergames on the marked capturing hand and leg movements, steps and movements of the body joints. Even if the games are made for children or young adults, containing lot of action (speed, a lot of information on the screen, funny sounds, etc.), some of them can successfully be played by seniors, but they do not always provide good exercises practices. In addition there are a few research projects focusing on mobility of seniors through exergames, but fewer researching the motivational and social aspects.
This presentation focuses on the web 2.0 techniques applied in senior exergaming fostering social and motivational aspects. Two research projects act as the arena of boosting the research in progress for testing the above concepts into seniors' exergames: (i) The Nettrim project (, an interregional project between Norway and Sweden, examines closer all these sides of socialization as a motivating factor, and by understanding them more closely, takes advantage of this in designing motivating exergames; (ii) The GameUp project ( uses these technologies to promote mobility by encouraging elderly persons to be more physical active and motivate them to move more by increasing their self-efficacy. This is done by developing a platform for social and exercise games that reduces physical and motivational barriers of elderly people's mobility. The GameUp platform is being tested in three different countries: Norway, Switzerland and Spain. A social motivational framework will be presented containing persuasive techniques that are used in exergaming and the connection with the social aspect will be emphasized. Initial lab test results will fulfil the presentation concept showing the importance of social applications and tools in exergames for seniors in order to increase the motivation by means of peer-support.
This on-going research that grows both with social and motivational aspects, will contribute to answer whether or not web 2.0 techniques applied in suitable exergames for seniors can increase their mobility, decrease the frailty danger and keep them healthy active citizens of the modern ageing society. []