Abstract: During our more than 20 years of monitoring, we have used epidemiological, field, and experimental methods for characterization of natural foci of tick‐borne rickettsioses in Russia. The main results were obtained through genetic methods (PCR sequence) at the Université de la Mediterranée (Marseille, France). We describe considerable heterogeneity of tick‐borne α1‐proteobacteria: 16 microorganisms the of the order Rickettsiales were detected in Russia and Kazakhstan. R. sibirica–caused North Asiatic tick‐borne rickettsiosis is the main tick‐borne rickettsiosis in Russia, with wide distribution in Siberia and the Russian Far East and high epidemic activity of natural foci of different landscape types. Our results show circulation of different pathogenic rickettsiae in the same endemic territories. In the Far East region, R. sibirica subsp. R. sibirica, R. sibirica subsp. BJ‐90, and R. heilongjiangensis were detected; in the Altay and Krasnojarsk regions, R. sibirica subsp. R. sibirica and R. heilongjiangensis; and in the Kurgan district of West Siberia, R. sibirica subsp. R. sibirica and R. slovaca. The roles of more than 15 new genotypes of α1‐proteobacteria in infectious disease in Russia and Kazakhstan are in need of further study.
D. Raoult,et al.
[Genetic identification of rickettsiae of the tick-borne spotted fever group, isolated in the foci of tick-borne rickettsiosis].
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii, i immunobiologii.
D. Raoult,et al.
Detection of a Rickettsia Closely Related to Rickettsia aeschlimannii, “Rickettsia heilongjiangensis,” Rickettsia sp. Strain RpA4, and Ehrlichia muris in Ticks Collected in Russia and Kazakhstan
Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
D. Raoult,et al.
‘Candidatus Rickettsia tarasevichiae’ in Ixodes persulcatus Ticks Collected in Russia
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
V. Roux,et al.
New Rickettsiae in ticks collected in territories of the former soviet union.
Emerging infectious diseases.
D. Raoult,et al.
Studies of a “new” rickettsiosis “Astrakhan” spotted fever
European Journal of Epidemiology.