Development and Evaluation of an Interactive Internet-Based Pharmacokinetic Teaching Module.

An internet-based pharmacokinetic teaching module has been developed. This module is interactive, learnercentered, asynchronous, and requires minimal computer knowledge to operate. The main components of the module are the concept presentation, pharmacokinetic simulation exercise and self-assessment questions. Assessment of the module’s effectiveness as a teaching tool showed that the module was very effective in teaching the steady state concept to undergraduate pharmacy students. The majority of the students who used this module indicated that if they have the option to choose the format for delivering the course content of their pharmacokinetics class, they would prefer the computer-based format. This is because most of the students think that well-designed computer-based teaching materials can be more effective than printed materials. Such computer-based and internet-based pharmacokinetic instructional materials can be very valuable not only for conventional students teaching but also for continuing education, distance-learning, and in-job training programs.