Enterprise architecture (EA) management is a commonly accepted instrument for modern organizations to deal with today’s challenging environment. Effectively designed an organization-specific EA management function can improve the overall agility of an organization. The design of such management function is a challenging task, in which the different process steps, information flows, and roles that constitute such function have to be shaped and aligned. The complexity of the management subject EA and the high number of involved stakeholders further aggravate the creation of a consistent but organizationspecific EA management, and call for tool support during the design phase. In this phase, the designer selects the goals to be pursued, the concerns to be addressed, and the roles to be involved. Based on this selection, the user is supplied with re-usable and practice-proven building blocks that can be integrated into a tailored EA management function for the using organization. Different sources for such building blocks exist, namely the EA management pattern catalog [1] or TOGAF [5], although the latter does not explicitly state such blocks. After the organization-specific EA management function has been defined, it must be enacted in the organization. For the conduction phase, i.e. for managing the EA, the tool must provide support by initializing the corresponding processes and process steps, informing the relevant stakeholders, and ensuring that their information demands are fulfilled. For the latter, the tool must support the generation of EA views that correspond to well-defined viewpoints [1, 3]. These viewpoints prescribe which architectural information is conveyed to which stakeholder. Building on the prefabricates of [2], where a tool for flexibly visualizing EAs is presented, we subsequently outline the core idea behind an EA management design tool that further allows to enact the designed process, sketch realization ideas, and give an outlook on future developments.