The electrical substation components are often subject to degradation due to over-voltage or over-current, caused by a short circuit or a lightning. A particular interest is given to the circuit breaker, regarding the importance of its function and its dangerous failure. This component degrades gradually due to the use, and it is also subject to the shock process resulted from the stress of isolating the fault when a short-circuit occur in the system. In this paper, based on failure mechanisms developments, the wear out of the circuit breaker contacts is modeled. The aim of this work is to evaluate its reliability and consequently its residual lifetime. The shock process is based on two random variables such as: the arrival of shocks and their magnitudes. The arrival of shocks was modeled using homogeneous Poisson process (HPP). By simulation, the dates of short-circuit arrivals were generated accompanied with their magnitudes. The same principle of simulation is applied to the amount of cumulative wear out contacts. The objective reached is to find the formulation of the wear function depending on the number of solicitations of the circuit breaker.
J. Cha,et al.
On a Terminating Shock Process with Independent Wear Increments
Journal of Applied Probability.
Dave Grattan,et al.
Integrating switchgear breakers and contactors into a safety instrumented function
Maxim Finkelstein,et al.
On terminating Poisson processes in some shock models
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf..
R Medjoudj,et al.
Interruption modelling in electrical power distribution systems using the Weibull—Markov model
Charles H. Flurscheim.
Power circuit breaker theory and design