전개형 광학구조체용 메커니즘 요구조건 수립 및 후보 메커니즘의 기구학적 해석
In these days, there have been numerous researches on nano and micro satellites under the slogan of "Faster, Smaller, Better, Cheaper". Since optical structure occupies large portion of satellite volume, research on deployable optical structure gains great attention to reduce total volume of the satellite. In this paper, we establish the requirement of deployable optical structure based on specification of conventional optical structure and propose two candidate mechanisms which can satisfy the degree of deployment precision. Then, in order to evaluate the degree of deployment precision, we carry out kinematic analysis on de-space among tilt, de-space and de-center which influences optical characteristic of a satellite.
[1] 김성훈,et al. 미소진동 영향성 예측을 위한 인공위성 유한요소모델 보정 , 2014 .