Tagging is the task of attributing to words in context in a text, their corresponding Part-of-Speech (PoS) class. In this work, we have employed Variable Length Markov Chains (VLMC) for tagging, in the hope of capturing long distance dependencies. We obtained one of the best PoS tagging of Portuguese, with a precision of 95.51%. More surprisingly, we did that with a total time of training and execution of less than 3 minutes for a corpus of almost 1 million words. However, long distance dependencies are not well captured by the VLMC tagger, and we investigate the reasons and limitations of the use of VLMCs. Future researches in statistical linguistics regarding long range dependencies should concentrate in other ways of solving this limitation.
Rachel Virgínia Xavier Aires.
Implementação, Adaptação, Combinação e Avaliação de Etiquetadores para o Português do Brasil
Fabio Natanael Kepler,et al.
Um etiquetador morfo-sintático baseado em cadeias de Markov de tamanho variável
Hinrich Schütze,et al.
Part-of-Speech Tagging Using a Variable Memory Markov Model
B. Uhlmann,et al.
Variable length Markov chains
Peter Bühlmann,et al.
Variable length Markov chains: methodology, computing and software