This paper proposes a two-way multi-ringed forest (TMR-Forest) to estimating the malignancy of the pulmonary nodules for false positive reduction (FPR). Based on our previous work of deep decision framework, named MR-Forest, we generate a growing path mode on predefined pseudo-timeline of $L$ time slots to build pseudo-spatiotemporal features. It synchronously works with FPR based on MR-Forest to help predict the labels from a dynamic perspective. Concretely, Mask R-CNN is first used to recommend the bounding boxes of ROIs and classify their pathological features. Afterward, hierarchical attribute matching is introduced to obtain the input ROIs’ attribute layouts and select the candidates for their growing path generation. The selected ROIs can replace the fixed-sized ROIs’ fitting results at different time slots for data augmentation. A two-stage counterfactual path elimination is used to screen out the input paths of the cascade forest. Finally, a simple label selection strategy is executed to output the predicted label to point out the input nodule's malignancy. On 1034 scans of the merged dataset, the framework can report more accurate malignancy labels to achieve a better CPM score of 0.912, which exceeds those of MR-Forest and 3DDCNNs about 2.8% and 4.7%, respectively.