The goal of the FEniCS project is to develop open-source software for the automation of Computational Mathematical Modeling (CMM). FEniCS is a joint project between the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, the University of Chicago, and Chalmers University of Technology. The vision of FEniCS is to set a new standard in CMM, which can be described as the Automation of CMM, towards the goals of generality, efficiency, and simplicity, concerning mathematical methodology, implementation, and application. 1. Modern Society and CMM The Industrial Society is characterized by automated production of material goods and the Information Society is characterized by automated production of virtual goods. Automation has opened for mass production of both material goods and information, and may thus be viewed as the basis of our Modern Society, with mass consumption of both material and virtual goods. The Industrial Society developed along with the development of Calculus of differential/integral equations and Science, starting in the 18th century, and the Information Society based on the computer has developed along with mathematical logic, discrete and numerical mathematics. Mathematics thus plays an increasingly important role in the development of Modern Society, as a language for Science and a theoretical and practical tool for Computation. Computational Mathematical Modeling (CMM) may be viewed as the modern expression of the Basic Principle of Science: formulating equations (modeling) and solving equations (computation). Automation plays a key role in modern society, e.g., to improve quality of life and to reduce environmental impact. This includes mass production of both material goods, such as food, clothes and cars, and virtual goods in the form of digitized word, image and Date: November 6, 2003.