Seismic Retrofitting Techniques for Existing Masonry Buildings

In many seismically active regions of the world there are large numbers of masonry buildings. Most of these buildings have not been designed for seismic loads. Recent earthquakes have shown that many of these buildings are seismically vulnerable and should be considered for retrofitting. Different conventional and unconventional retrofitting techniques are available to increase the strength and/or ductility of unreinforced masonry (URM) walls. This paper reviews and discusses seismic retrofitting of masonry walls with emphasis on the conventional techniques. Retrofitting procedures are discussed with regard to a case study: a stone masonry building in Irpinia region, damaged by the 1980 earthquake. The interventions are evaluated by means of finite elements with a macroelement obtained with a homogenization technique. Linear and nonlinear procedures are compared, and peculiarities of each procedure are shown.