Development of mechanistic–empirical design method for an asphalt pavement rutting model using APT

Abstract This paper describes the study of accelerated pavement testing (APT) with test variables of temperature and air void ratio, which are important factors that influence rutting. The purpose of the study was to use the APT results to calibrate a laboratory rutting model for asphalt concrete (AC) mixtures and to develop an appropriate rutting model for AC pavements. The test specimen for the APT was prepared as a pavement system with an AC layer of 30 cm, subbase of 30 cm, and subgrade of 180 cm. The experimental variables were chosen to be the important factors that influence the rutting of AC pavement: temperature (50 °C) and air void ratios (7.31% and 10.57%). A multi-depth deflectometer was installed at depths of 12 and 30 cm from the AC pavement surface to measure the plastic and resilient strains, which are necessary for the development of the rutting model. The result was used to examine the rutting models of AC pavement layers suggested by the AASHTO 2002 model as well to calibrate a laboratory rutting model.