A Learning Aid Tool for Power Electronics Converters

understand for students taking them for first time. This is due to nature of the subjects which involve many areas and disciplines. The introduction of generalpurpose simulation package has helped the student a step further in understanding this subject. However, because of the generality of these tools and their drag-anddrop and ad-hoc features, the students still face problems in designing a converter circuit. In this paper, the problem above is addressed by introducing a learning aid tool that guides the student over prescribed steps to design a power electronics circuit. The tool is knowledge-based system where its knowledge base encompasses two types of knowledge; topologies and switching devices. The first step in the design procedure is the selection of the application of the desired circuit. Then few steps are to be followed to come out with the appropriate topology with the optimum switching devices and parameters. System structure, its different modules and the detailed design procedure are explained in this paper