Pressure-tuned spin state and ferromagnetism in La1-xMxCoO3 (M=Ca,Sr)

I. Fita,1,2 R. Szymczak,1 R. Puzniak,1 I. O. Troyanchuk,3 J. Fink-Finowicki,1 Ya. M. Mukovskii,4 V. N. Varyukhin,2 and H. Szymczak1 1Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotnikow 32/46, PL 02-668 Warsaw, Poland 2Donetsk Institute for Physics and Technology, National Academy of Sciences, R. Luxemburg Street 72, 83114 Donetsk, Ukraine 3Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences, 220072 Minsk, Belarus 4Moscow State Steel and Alloys Institute, 119991 Moscow, Russia sReceived 2 December 2004; revised manuscript received 22 March 2005; published 3 June 2005d