Analysis of 5G Wireless Systems in FR1 and FR2 Frequency Bands

According to 3GPP, the frequency bands of 5G technologies are occupied at various parts of the frequency spectrum. E.g. mmWave frequencies are used for short-range communications in 5G mobile communications which can provide much higher bandwidth, supports greater data rates and also overcome the effect of path loss using carrier aggregation feature. However, the frequency bands for 5G wireless technology are classified into FR1 and FR2 frequency ranges. FR1 (4.1 GHz to 7.125 GHz) band of frequencies are used for carrying most of the traditional cellular mobile communications traffic, while the FR2 (24.25 GHz to 52.6 GHz) band of frequencies are focused on short-range, high data rate capabilities. A frequency selective wireless channel is converted into a parallel collection of frequency flat sub-channels using “Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)” techniques that improve multipath fading issues and bandwidth efficiency, also reduces the inter-sub carrier interference. The recent wireless communication standards like 802.11x families combine the techniques of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) and OFDM to provide improved data rates. As MIMO uses an array of antennas, and it is possible to achieve a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) using “beamforming” which in turn reduces the bit error rate (BER). This research paper is focused on the performance of hybrid beamforming for single user and multi-user “massive MIMO-OFDM systems” and facilitate to explore various system-level configurations for different channel modellings in FR1 and FR2 bands.

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