Phases and their relations in the Bi-Sr-Cu-O system

Abstract Solid phases and their relations in the Bi-Sr-Cu-O system were investigated at 840°C in air. Bi 2+ x Sr 2− x Cu 1+ y O Z (0.1 x y x /2), Bi 17 Sr 16 Cu 7 O Z , Bi 2 Sr 3 Cu 2 O Z , Bi 4 Sr 8 Cu 5 O Z and BiSr 3 O Z have newly been found. Structural data obtained by means of powder XRD and TEM for these are presented. The superconductor with a T c ∼ 10 K corresponds to the Bi-poorest end of the solid solutions mentioned above. Carrier holes are created by the presence of excess oxygen but these tend to be trapped locally for x > 0.13. The one-dimensional modulation mode showed an interesting composition dependence, from which a modified mechanisms of the modulation has been deduced.