We present a panel session on the role of simulati in improving semiconductor fab operations. The partic pants include three principal investigators (PIs) from th recently awarded three-year, $1.2 million contracts spo sored jointly by the National Science Foundation (NSF and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Operational Methods in Semiconductor Manufacturing; th Factory Sciences Program Director from SRC; and indus representatives from the semiconductor manufacturers a from discrete-event simulation vendors. Included here these proceedings are initial position statements from t various participants, which formed the basis for the pan discussions. For the industry participants, the stateme may include, but were not limited to, specific importan problems related to the role of simulation in operation in their respective companies, noting any significant tec nical, managerial, market, or other barriers. The positio statements of the academic PIs describe the role t simulation is expected to play in their ongoing researc in semiconductor manufacturing and/or their views on th key to successful application of simulation in the industr