Information System of Web-Based Wedding Organizer

The purpose of this study is as an Information systems are used in all areas of business, including in the field of wedding organizer. The design information system of web-based wedding organizer. System approach method which is used is object-oriented approach while development method by using prototype. Data collection techniques are observation and interview. The measuring tool which is used in the design of this system is UML diagram. With a website-based information system, it can simplify the process of transaction services and data processing at this company. Beginning with booking, payment and catering management and it can accelerate the performance of wedding organizers in the data storage quickly, accurately and in managing the service accurately. Can simplify the process of recording and storage of payment data so that it is easier to know the information of payment time and the rest of it that can simplify the process of cancellation so that customers can know the status of reservations. Beside that the process on catering processing can help the selection and addition of catering quickly. It can be done anywhere and anytime.