The Dynamic Stress-Strain Behavior in Torsion of 1100-0 Aluminum Subjected to a Sharp Increase in Strain Rate
Abstract : A modification of the torsional split Hopkinson bar is described which superimposes a high rate of shear strain on a slower 'static' rate. The 'static' rate of 0.00005/sec is increased to 850/sec at a predetermined value of plastic strain by the detonation of small explosive charges; the rise time of the strain rate increment is about 10 microseconds. During deformation at the dynamic rate, direct measurement is made of the excess stress above the maximum static stress attained. Results for 1100-0 aluminum show that the initial response to the strain rate increment is elastic, followed by yielding behavior reminiscent in appearance to an upper yield point. The magnitude of the stress measured at this yield point is always less than the stress obtained at the same strain in a wholly dynamic test; as the stress-strain curve asymptotically. It is concluded that the material behavior is a function of strain, strain rate and strain rate history. (Author)