A recent study of bus crime in west central Los Angeles is reported in which the incidence of crime was measured, sources of crime reporting errors were assessed, and environmental factors contributing to bus crime were isolated. A sample of 1,088 randomly selected households participated in the telephone survey and one adult from each household was interviewed. It is estimated that between 17,000 and 30,000 bus-related crimes occurred in 1983 in west central Los Angeles. Sources of reporting error are discussed and a major revision of transit crime reporting systems is urged. Characteristics of victims of bus crimes are discussed and it is noted that fears of personal security may affect ridership to some extent. Overcrowding was seen as a major factor contributing to bus crime. Bus stop crimes were also analyzed. There was strong support among the survey respondents for a bus crime prevention program. Three general recommendations are made regarding the system for information collection on bus crime, environmental information, and the causes of bus stop crime.