Patient-Tailored Cerebral Arterial Model for Simulating Neurovascular Intervention (2nd Report, In Vitro Reproduction of Membranous Vascular Structure Accompanied with Elastic Deformation)
In this paper, we propose an in vitro patient-specific anatomical model of human cerebral artery, a hardware platform for simulating endovascular intervention for making diagnosis and surgical trainings. Proposed vessel model hollowly reproduces 3-dimensional configuration of vascular lumens with elastic membranous configuration as a transparent silicone structure, using fluoroscopic information, which is obtained with CT (Computed Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and other imaging modalities. This vessel model also reproduces the physical characteristics of artery tissue, such as elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio and friction coefficient, within respectively 10% of errors. Consequently, it allows practically simulating procedures, which is accompanied by realistic vascular deformation, realistic feel of operating catheters and realistic behavior of surgical instruments (e.g. slip/stick motion and unwinding motion). Presented vasculature model should provide a helpful platform for interventionalists to make preliminary simulation, for young trainees to practice surgical procedures and for developers to evaluate surgical robots, device and other various medical instruments.