Absence of Spatial Tuning in the Orbitofrontal Cortex

There is limited data in the literature to explicitly support the notion that neurons in OFC are truly action-independent in their coding. We set out to specifically test the hypothesis that OFC value-related neurons in area 13 m of the monkey do not carry information about the action required to obtain that reward – that activity in this area represents reward values in an abstract and action-independent manner. To accomplish that goal we had two monkeys select and execute saccadic eye movements to 81 locations in the visual field for three different kinds of juice rewards. Our detailed analysis of the response fields indicates that these neurons are insensitive to the amplitude or direction of the saccade required to obtain these rewards. Our data thus validate earlier proposals that neurons of 13 m in the OFC encode subjective value independent of the saccadic action required to obtain that reward.

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