Large trucks are often perceived to restrict the free flow of general traffic and present a safety hazard. In addition, the delay caused by trucks is thought to detrimentally affect the economy, and repetitive heavy loads increase pavement deterioration. Truck lane restrictions attempt to achieve one or more of four purposes: 1) improve highway operations, 2) improve the level of safety, 3) facilitate more even pavement wear, and 4) ensure better operation and safety through construction zones. Three study sites and a control site were selected in the Puget Sound region to test the effectiveness of truck lane restrictions in achieving these purposes. Three types of analyses were performed: 1) an in-depth analysis to determine how the implementation of a lane restriction would impact the operation, safety, and life of the facility and the economic impacts for the region, 2) a site comparison analysis to determine whether the results from the in-depth analysis could confidently be applied to other areas in the region, and 3) a survey analysis to determine the opinions of truckers, motorists, industry, and enforcement officials with respect to lane restrictions.