Slidingwindow-based BurstAssembly Methodin Optical BurstSwitching Networks
Burstassembly atedgenodesisanimportant issue fortheOptical BurstSwitching(OBS) networks because itaffects thetraffic characteristics andhasaninfluence ontheburst loss performance. Byapplying theFractional Brownian Motion(FBM) model, wefind that thetimer-based andthreshold-based assembly algorithms couldnotavoidincreasing thetraffic variability of theScience Information Network(SINET), whichwill deteriorate thenetworkperformance. Therefore a noveltraffic-smoothing burstassembly methodnamedSliding window-based assembly algorithm isintroduced toreduce thevariance oftheassembled traffic. Itcansmooththetraffic bytransmitting asequence of bursts atanaverage length tomaketraffic besentoutatan average rateinsmalltimescales. Thesimulation results show thatthesliding window-based assembly algorithm isbetter than general assembly algorithms intermsoftheburst lossratio. Keywords- Optical burstswitching, Burstassembly, Frac- tional Brownian Motion, Traffic-shaping, sliding window-based
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