“Who are the strongest European competitors on software ideas? Who is the best doctor to cure insomnia in a nearby hospital? Where can I attend an interesting conference in my field close to a sunny beach?” This information is available on the Web, but no software system can accept such queries nor compute the answer. We hereby propose search computing as a new multi-disciplinary science which will provide the abstractions, foundations, methods, and tools required to answer these and many similar queries. While state-of-art search systems answer generic or domain-specific queries, search computing enables answering questions via a constellation of dynamically selected, cooperating search services. Search computing requires innovation in software principles, languages, interfaces and protocols, as well as contributions from other sciences such as mathematics, operations research, psychology, sociology, economical and legal sciences.
Alessandro Campi,et al.
Joining the results of heterogeneous search engines
Inf. Syst..
Jean-Marc Petit,et al.
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
Daniele Braga,et al.
Optimization of multi-domain queries on the web
Proc. VLDB Endow..
Andrea Calì,et al.
Querying Data under Access Limitations
2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering.
Daniele Braga,et al.
Mashing Up Search Services
IEEE Internet Computing.
Lauren Wood.
技術解説 IEEE Internet Computing