An Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation of Logistics (Modeling Focused Logistics).

Abstract : Joint Vision 2010 puts forth four operational concepts describing how U.S. forces will conduct combat in the future. One of these concepts is Focused Logistics, which Joint Vision 2010 defines as "the precise application of logistics." In order to study the effects of Focused Logistics, a flexible method of simulating possible logistics systems is needed. The Flexible Experimental Logistics Simulator (FLEXLOGS) is an object-oriented, discrete-event simulation that is designed to be used to evaluate proposed future logistics strategies. First, the author develops a model capable of simulating any proposed logistics scheme with minimal modification to the software. Second, the thesis discusses the design and use of the model. Finally, the model is used to explore the shape of curves defined by the probability of combat victory verses "logistical footprint size" and "premium transportation availability." The model implements the draft Logistical Conceptual Object Model being developed as part of the Focused Logistics Study by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Program Analysis and Evaluation, Simulation Analysis Center.