SUM Technical Requirements Document

This document describes the technical requirements of the Surveillance in an Urban environment using Mobile sensors (SUM) Project as requested in annex A of the SUM project proposal: Proposal database template, document EDA A0444RTGC JIP-FP, section A4-deliverables. The goal of the SUM project is to develop a low-cost multi-sensor vehicle protection system using a data fusion engine in order to enhance situational awareness and aid command and control for a moving vehicle in urban environment, as well as protect critical static points such as road blocks or outposts. The purpose of this document is to list the demonstrator technical requirements that must be implemented in order to fulfil user requirements. Thus, the technical requirements specified in this document can be traced from user requirements in the “Scenario and Operational Requirements” document. Having these considerations as a starting point, this document has the following structure:  SUM Objectives: this chapter will describe the main concerns emerging from “Scenario and Operational Requirements” and the key points to be considered for SUM system. It will try to answer the question “What do users want?”. • Technological Challenges: including main differences between SUM objectives (“What do users want?”) and what users may have now. • Overall System Approach: including a description of the proposed approach to achieve SUM objectives. It will try to answer the question “How to get what users want?”. • SUM Innovation and Envisaged Technological Development: describing which ones of the technological gaps are going to be studied and which development will be produced during Working Packages. • Innovative Technologies and Future Lines of Research and Development: describing possible solutions out of the scope of SUM study and that in the future could fill the Technological Gaps. This will be extensively compiled in one of the final reports “Roadmap” corresponding to WP-9 that is planned to be delivered on 12/07/2012. • Requirements: including tables containing enumeration of the specific requirements.