The scope of this paper is a definition of the concept of Integrated Transportation Management Systems (ITMS). ITMS is an evolving concept and depends partly on ones experience and philosophy concerning integration of the various component systems of the current surface transportation system. ITMS is a concept whereby the users of the transportation system benefit by integration of various component sub-systems which have largely evolved due to the institutional structure of the transportation system. The transportation system is in fact fragmented due to multiple agencies, multiple jurisdictions, multiple modes, and multiple disciplines being responsible for various aspects. This specialization, while improving the efficiency of various components, is a detriment to a global view of system management. ITMS is a step towards a more global view of the transportation system. Existing institutional arrangements would suggest that the process will be evolutionary in nature and varying across the country. The key to success will be an understanding of the mutual benefits of a more integrated system. Not that competition can or should be eliminated, but that benefits due accrue from appropriate collaboration. The paper provides a current definition of ITMS and begins to identify innovative ideas and practices for improving transportation management in metropolitan areas by focusing on the challenges and opportunities. ITMS is as much a process as it is a specific concept.