Air Travel – Greener by Design Mitigating the environmental impact of aviation: Opportunities and priorities

The Technology Sub-Group of Air Travel – Greener by Design was instituted at the first full meeting of the GBD community in March 2000. Its first period of intense activity was from the summer of 2000 to the spring of 2001, culminating in the publication of its report The Technology Challenge in July 2001 at the first Air Travel – Greener by Design Conference at the Royal Aeronautical Society. In the period that followed, the contents of the report were further disseminated by presentations at conferences and publication of the report in The Aeronautical Journal but there was no substantial activity by the Sub-Group as such. In July 2003, a workshop on ‘The Effect of Aviation on the Atmosphere’, was held at St Catherine’s College, Cambridge. This was planned jointly by members of the Sub-Group and of the Centre for Atmospheric Science in the Department of Chemistry at Cambridge and was jointly funded by GBD and the EC project SCENIC. The organisation of events on the day and the collating and editing of the workshop report was done by Dr Helen Rogers of the Centre for Atmospheric Science. The workshop was attended by a broad cross section from the manufacturing and operating industries, government and academia and its report is a valuable summary of current understanding in 2003.