L i , r i !,!/omonon is ovahble con~ern tng !he oeiions "Jdrurerici ond o i l w drugs on r e w l L Y I C U ~ O ~ iniootli muscle uneomplicar~a' b>j re f l e .~ , h o m o m i ( 1 1 oiher e x f r o n ~ o u ~ itijluetires The purpose of this study therefore was to iSolate B segment of the rend ~ascular tree for evaluation in vitro of direct actions of diuretics and other vasoactive agents Two diuretics were evaluated for actirity on the interlobar artery No change in b a s line tension was o b d The isolated intralobar artery UBS found to ~ o n t r a ~ t in rcqonse to KCI and rymmpathrtie nerve stimulation No evidence wag found to indicate that tension o f larger renal arteries is decresvd in response IO furosemide Supcrfurion of the tiuue with hydrochlorothiazide UBI found Io attenust~ the ~ o n t r s ~ f i l e r ~ponrps of norepinephrine norep,ncphrine used acre not antagonized sufficiently suggesting a competitive depreslion of reactivity Hydrochlorothiazide w a i found to produce d o e 4 a t e d Contiactions of the interlobar EIII~I. High doses were necessary. The interlobar arteries contribute lo the renal \aY)constriction produce by norepinephrine and dopamine, but do not contribute to the renal vasodilation produced by furosemide or m a l l does of dopamine
James E. Rush,et al.
Procedures for Converting Systematic Names of Organic Compounds into Atom-Bond Connection Tables
G. G. Vander Stouw,et al.
Automated Conversion of Chemical Substance Names to Atom-Bond Connection Tables
Norman Donaldson,et al.
Chemical Abstracts Index Names for Chemical Substances in the Ninth Collective Period
Russell J. Rowlett,et al.
A Computer-Based System for Handling Chemical Nomenclature and Structural Representations
A. J. Beach,et al.
Computer Editing of General Subject Heading Data for Chemical Abstracts Volume Indexes
J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci..