A new computer model for multiple light scattering in arbitrary systems of opaque diffusely scattering particles is considered. For ray tracing and scattering in such systems, the geometric optics approximation is used. Semi-infinite media and clusters with spherical and irregular shaped particles are investigated. The irregular particles are approximated with a discrete set of small triangular facets attached to each other. The particle surface is supposed to scatter by the Lambertian indicatrix. Scattering of the first six orders is considered, but the model can be effectively used for calculations of higher orders too. Phase-angle curves of scattering for media and clusters with different packing density are calculated. It is shown that the contributions of scattering orders rapidly diminish as the order grows even for non-absorbing particulate surfaces. Only the first scattering order shows the opposition effect and is rather sensitive to packing density. Higher orders do not show any features near zero phase angle. The contributions of high orders increase slightly, when the packing density increases. The form of particles is important mostly for the second scattering order. For clusters of particles both packing density and number of particles are important for phase function behavior. Clusters consisting of 100 particles show weak phase-angle dependences of high orders of scattering. These dependences become more prominent with increase of number of particles. Phase curves for spherical and cubic clusters are compared. It turns out that the influence of cluster shape is only a minor factor.
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S. Kaasalainen,et al.
Shadowing effect in clusters of opaque spherical particles
K. Muinonen.
Ray Optics Approximation for Random Clusters of Gaussian Spheres
B. Hapke.
Theory of reflectance and emittance spectroscopy
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Shadow-hiding effect in inhomogeneous layered particulate media
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Simulation of shadings in systems of opaque particles
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Remote sensing in soil science