[The V.A.C. system (vacuum assisted closure) as bridging between primary osteosynthesis in conjunction with functional reconstructed of soft tissue--open fractures type 2 and type 3].

Open fractures are complex injuries affecting the integrity of bones and adjacent soft tissue. The therapeutic goals in dealing with open fractures should consist of primary osteosynthesis in conjunction with functional reconstruction of soft tissue. In a period over 2 years, 26 patients were treated with extensive trauma in an interdisciplinary approach. These patients suffered from open fractures type 2 and 3. All patients were treated by primary osteosynthesis, and temporary wound closure with V.A.C.-system. Definitive wound closure was achieved by day 31 after injury. In contrast to a review of the pertinent literature we report the successful free tissue transfer in 21 patients during the critical period between 72 hours and several months preceded by the use of V.A.C.-system for the temporary coverage of open wounds.