The new (1982) Computing Reviews classification system—final version

I am pleased to announce that after consultation with all the other people involved, I have decided to adopt and implement the new Computing Reviews classification system, incorporating the changes described on page 14 by Anthony Ralston. The final version is on pages 17-25. Despite our having given people very little time, the responses we received were very constructive, as Tony has indicated, and many encouraged us to proceed and make the change. This will be done beginning with the January 1982 issue of CR. However, because we are simultaneously installing an automated system at ACM Headquarters to let the computer handle those things which it can do better than people, the staff is busily coping with these major changes as well as trying to keep CR and the A CM Guide to Computing Literature moving ahead. As a result of all these changes, the January 1982 issue of CR will surely be several months late. However, we hope that when the dust settles we will have the tools required to really make CR the type of review journal that is so needed in the computing field. As part of this activity, we invite new reviewers to help us to upgrade and revitalize CR. Let me urge all of you who have an interest in participating in the reviewing process to fill out the form on pages 15-16 and send it to: (Current reviewers will receive a form in the mail.) If you know any qualified colleagues who may be willing to review for CR, please send the Editor their names and addresses. With our new automated system now being developed, we should be able to make better assignments. I want to take this opportunity to thank Tony Ralston as the Chairman, as well as all the other members of the Computing Reviews Category Revision Committee (whose names were listed in the July 1981 issue of Communications) for their diligent and creative work. We expect CR eventually to become significantly better because of their efforts. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or …