An Observational Estimate of Inferred Ocean Energy Divergence

Abstract Monthly net surface energy fluxes (FS) over the oceans are computed as residuals of the atmospheric energy budget using top-of-atmosphere (TOA) net radiation (RT) and the complete atmospheric energy (AE) budget tendency (δAE/δt) and divergence (∇ · FA). The focus is on TOA radiation from the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) (February 1985–April 1989) and the Clouds and Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) (March 2000–May 2004) satellite observations combined with results from two atmospheric reanalyses and three ocean datasets that enable a comprehensive estimate of uncertainties. Surface energy flux departures from the annual mean and the implied annual cycle in “equivalent ocean energy content” are compared with the directly observed ocean energy content (OE) and tendency (δOE/δt) to reveal the inferred annual cycle of divergence (∇ · FO). In the extratropics, the surface flux dominates the ocean energy tendency, although it is supplemented by ocean Ekman transports that enhance the an...

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