Matching and Adaptation : Core Techniques for MDA-( ADM )-driven Integration of new Business Applications with Wrapped Legacy Systems

In this article, we introduce a methodology aiming to blend modern business applications, which consist of cooperating business components with objectified legacy systems. This methodology is designed in line with the MDA(ADM) philosophy. This legacy application integration methodology encompasses three phases: forward engineering, reverse engineering and linking. The forward engineering phase resembles the “classical” MDA process, starting from a (enterprise) CIM and transforming it into a PIM. The reverse engineering phase reverses this process, extracting concepts from legacy code and data and rendering them into a PSM, and then abstracting it into a legacy PIM. During the linking phase, both the new PIM and legacy PIM are matched and adapted, so that only those fragments of the new PIM need to be coded that are not yet supported in legacy systems.